Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Programatically Expand CollapsiblePanel (With Lastest ToolKit)

The issue I am experiencing is due to upgrading to the latest ToolKit. I previously was able to use this code on a postback to expand a collapsible panel.

Previous Code:
Dim clp2 As CollapsiblePanelProperties = CollapsiblePanelExtender2.GetTargetProperties(Panel2)
clp2.ClientState =True
clp2.Collapsed =False

However I do understand that with the upgrade the Properties sections under each of the ToolKit controls is no longer valid. I personally liked the ability to place multiple <atlasToolKit:Properties> tags underneath ONE <atlasToolKit:CollapsiblePanel> tag. Why did you remove that?? It was easy to migrate but a hassle in regards to having to set up a new tag for each time. Anyhow... off of the soapbox.

Current Code:
Dim clp2As CollapsiblePanelExtender = CollapsiblePanelExtender2
clp2.ClientState =True
clp2.Collapsed =False

This fails to expand the Panel on a postback. Any help or solutions?


I believe the ClientState value needs to be lower cased and quoted as per this post:

Yeah after playing around with it for a little bit... I actually discovered that the following code fixed it.

Dim clp2As CollapsiblePanelExtender = CollapsiblePanelExtender2
clp2.ClientState =False
clp2.Collapsed =False

All that is different is that I set both to false.

Anyhow I figured it out about a week ago sorry I didn't post an update. Thanks!


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