Monday, March 26, 2012

Progress bar


I want to hai have ajax progress bar for downlodaing where n how can i find this.

even the java script willl do.

plz help


Please refer to these articles:

Hope this helps.

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Hi Raymond,

I am trying to do a similar thing, but I don't think the links you listed
give the whole answer.

I have a page that has a button. The button triggers an event that
launches a series of long winded database?operations.?After?each
operation has finished, the event can update the content of the page
to provide feedback. What I don't understand is this:

How does the progress bar, or indeed any Ajax control, access that
new content? The event has still not finished firing (its moving on with
the next DB operation) so the content has not been rendered.

Can someone explain?


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