Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Programatically Create Tab Container and Tab Panels


How can I create a tab container and subsequent tab panels within it using C# in the code behind?

Any help would be much appreciated.


You can you the PlaceHolder Control to add the TabContainer on the page, like so: make sure to add the reference at the top - using AjaxControlToolkit;

 TabContainer container =new TabContainer(); TabPanel panel1 =new TabPanel(); TabPanel panel2 =new TabPanel(); TextBox txtOne =new TextBox(); txtOne.ID ="txtOne"; txtOne.Text ="Example Text"; panel1.HeaderText ="This is Header 1 Text"; panel1.Controls.Add(txtOne); panel2.HeaderText =" This is Header 2 Text"; container.Tabs.Add(panel1); container.Tabs.Add(panel2); PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(container);
Hope this helps. 

Yep that was perfect...thanks for this!

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